Tmr is the big day!!! hope i have pass all my exams so scared!!!!oh" i wish i wish all my heart to passed all my exams in flying color." and the last episode of bof is on this saturday 9pm! anyway i guess everyone watch finish liao haha....and of course good luck for everyone in woodlands secondary and may :monica[omma],siew fang[evil monster],jamie[jam-jam],amelia[shan-shan],li wen[li-li],and me to go to the same class next year!!! and of course may my senior and sister to go to the jc & poly school that they wanted to go... so go for it!!! 加油!!jia you!!!!! Fighting!!!!!!
Just have a nice bath :) sad today omma nv come to sch today.....sobs......she miss sch!!! u noe sch!!!!!! and today the workshop is very funny cause when we play TABOO!! our group like have TABOO den dlyon was like jumping up from his chair "tcher TABOO!!" and again "tcher TABOO!!" den me and shazlyn was laughing like mad....haha and den the speacking out loud game li wen,meand shazlyn is a group and we choose num 1) 3 ways to kill a cockroarch now ur see our three ways.... 1)use a news paper to hit it.... 2)pick the cockroach and throw it into ur mother's blender and blend it.... 3)pick it up and put it into ur mouth and chew it and den swallow it.....
u can say yucks right? haha....but lucky we are not choosen hehe... and so now what i am going to say....... oh ya..... For those secondary 4 getting O'levels work hard!!!less one more week to O'levels so work hard!!! esp ANGELA JIE.SHARON JIE.JIN HUI JIE .DANIEL BOON GOR. Your must jia you!!! 加油!! 노동단단한!!!
Now it time for songs......!!!and to tell everyone one thing shan-shan complain that my video is too samll isit smal? i am not sure but today i will put it bigger for everyone don't be shock when it biggggg....and even though this songs is nice but actually it abit sad....but still nice..... :)
U see this picture is a nice cup right?but den it broken.... :( so sad it broken today by my my favourite cup and it broken i had to throw it away so i taken down the picture for memories :) after exams i have nothing to do at home i only can play watch and sleep i don't hab books to is one of my relatives wedding but i no need go bcos the relatives not so close de lol for me la so my ma,pa and bro go me and sis at home relax bored....i think my parents allow me to watch movie!!! Yaaaaaaaa......!!! so who wanna watch movie? ~ennjoy~
Finally the exams are over....i hope i get good results and i back!!!i use a long hour to change my blogskins is so hard haha so many problem so i ask my sis to help out anyway nice right ? my blogskins haha i miss blogging for these 2 weeks nv touch the computer it like hell!!!i already feel alright now so now can relax anyway i want to watch a movie!! on 22nd of october who want to come? but i haven ask my parents nothing to do ehh....i want go play liao haha...see you FOLKS
I know that i am hurt deeply through my heart whenever i know that "he" like "her" and another "her" and another "her" and "her" i started thinking how come "he" heart change so many time but den my heart is still the same it never change no matter how much i wish it would change. i was always hoping that one day it would be different cause my heart hurt deeply that it now only bleed but it cannot be mend. i wish i could turn back time to tell myself not to like someone like "he" how i wish that it could be turn so that sadness will not fall on my face..but i will and try alot to forget it......
Sunday, October 4, 2009
One day i will be the lucky girl getting something like this :) i love minho he is coming to Singapore too! but too bad i can't go cause it still exam period...for ppl who want to see him go to ion shopping mall onTEN October!! so now talk about exams i still haven quite concentrate my studies very hard to revise when i wanna revise i will sleep haha :) good luck for everyone exams :) So guess what folks here is some song for u!!